South Lyon, MI Lawn Maintenance

At 3D Lawn Care we understand the importance of a well manicured, green lawn and are proud to be able to provide South Lyon, MI with exceptional lawn maintenance services. Our dedicated team is determined to bring our commercial and residential clients professional, affordable services that produce superior results.

Our South Lyon Sprinkler Services:

Your lawn needs the right amount of water and attention to provide optimal results. For your lawn to grow healthy and green it needs the proper hydration and a professionally installed sprinkler system can provide a hassle free watering solution. Our experienced crews can create a sprinkler service plan that will work the best for your landscaping, including:

Our South Lyon Lawn Maintenance Services:

We understand the importance of your lawn looking and feeling its best. As an extension of your home or office, your lawn needs to project the same precision and care of as the inside. Our lawn maintenance services allow our experienced crews to provide your yard with lawn mowing and fertilization services resulting in lush, green grass cut with crisp, straight lines. Our lawn care services including:

Our South Lyon Yard Maintenance Services:

A benefit of living in Michigan is the changing of the seasons. With the changing of temperatures, your lawn and gardens need varying amounts of attention and nourishment. At 3D Lawn Care, our yard maintenance services allow our crews to keep your landscaping clean, polished, and well manicured all season long. Our yard maintenance services include: Our South Lyon, MI lawn care services provide you with remarkable lawn maintenance services for both our residential and commercial customers, call or contact us today to schedule your estimate.